Another Rambling Post

 I am killing time with this blog. It isn't that I believe blogging is not a valid forum. It isn't even that I do not enjoy blogging. The truth of the matter is that I am writing this because I said I was going to write it twice a week every week of 2022. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make a habit stick. So far, so good. 

If my posts feel a bit all over the place it is because I do not have a vision of what I want to do with the blog. I am writing to write. I feel no shame or pride in the blog anymore. There are plenty of things I do not want to do. I don't want to make impassioned pleas to change the world. I do not want to discuss my opinions on the hot button issues. 

I have tried those things. I have added my two cents worth (which may be overestimating the value) into a few topics. I don't like the back lash. I don't enjoy upsetting people. I also don't enjoy having my views criticized even if I do enjoy the chance to see another point of view. 

I also don't want to be a critic. I take a strange approach to life. I partake in the things I enjoy. I avoid the things I do not. I do not see much value in bitching and complaining. If you don't like She-Hulk, don't watch it. It is strange how many folks seem to garner quite a bit of attention by calling out the things they do not enjoy. I don't care for that so I avoid it. This is about as close as I want to come of being critical of anything. 

I tried writing reviews for things I enjoyed. That got pretty heavily attacked. I like discussing things in detail. My reviews were seen as long winded. As I tried to avoid spoilers as much as possible I also got lambasted for lacking detail. Yes, apparently you can be both longwinded and lacking in detail. I also did not see any major value in those reviews. I was writing them to write. 

My feelings toward all of this have evolved. When I first started blogging seventeen years ago I wanted to be seen and heard online. I wanted a following and a presence. I feel embarrassed about that now. I enjoy people reading my work, but I don't feel like I am writing for attention anymore. It is almost as if writing is a behavioral remnant of a version of me that used it as a vehicle to feel I had value. Now that quite a lot of my own underlying issues have resolved and I don't feel that way anymore, I enjoy the exercise of writing for the sake of narration. I just have a lot less to say. 

My weekend has been fantastic in that it has been calm and filled with mundane tasks. I have sat or laid around the house between loads of laundry and dishes. I have spent quite a bit of time in Skyrim completing a few more achievements. I have even put a little thought into my next culinary adventures. 

I decided to invest in a deep fryer. I have a terrible time trying to fry in oil in a pan. I end up smoking up the house and burning the food. I want to perfect my taquitos. I also want to be able to make delicious crispy chicken. I have plans which include Orange Chicken with Lo Mein Noodles. I simply cannot make that happen if I am not frying these dishes. An deep fryer also gives me a pleasant control over the temperature of my oil. 

I also have my eye on getting in some practice with my pistols. I believe ammo is well enough stocked that I can blow through a few hundred rounds in a weekend and not fear for my ability to replace my stock. This may or may not lead to a few more firearm purchases. I have my eyes on a Kel-Tec CP33. I also realized that my only .22 LR rifle is a Henry AR-7. I love the survival rifle, but for regular target practice I would prefer a more traditional rifle. I think I want a Savage to match Teagan's target rifle. Then again, I wouldn't mind having my first lever action Henry. If only I were not responsible and want to pay off my debts, fix up my homes, and purchase a new vehicle before more frivolous spending. 

Anyway, I think I am going to work on some personal writing. That may be a real challenge with the cat nuzzling the keyboard. Still, I manage to get words on the page. 


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