
Showing posts from April, 2024

Hammock Camping Trial Run

 I have enjoyed camping since I was a little boy. We started out tent camping. My parents got a motorhome and camping got fancy. As my teen years neared I enjoyed the privacy of tent camping while they slept in the motorhome.  My adult camping trips have followed the same model. I started out tent camping and then we got a camper. I mostly still enjoy bringing along a tent and "roughing it." It gives lots of options for comfort and privacy. My gear has grown in size and quality over the years. I used to have a little tent in the car's trunk that barely slept three. Now I have a cabin tent that will fit three queen-sized air mattresses with space to spare.  I had not attempted a more minimalistic style of camping using a hammock. I am into gear. The idea of being able to backpack out to a site, sleep in a hammock under a rainfly, and hike back out resonates in a few ways. I just had to give it a shot.  I went into this excited and wary. I am a big, heavy guy. Visions of si

Don’t Get It Twisted

Today’s lesson that the universe is teaching me in a kind and gentle way is a reminder that the majority of people are not my friend. I need to be reminded of this from time to time. I have a kind nature. I want to believe that people are like me and have kind loyal natures. Some do. Many don’t.  The lessons today were minor. A person I was fond of and was beginning to count as a potential friend vented off their stress by talking shit about me. I stopped the person letting me know about the situation before I got details. I know better. Realizing that their telling me came from a sense of their own loyalty, I can appreciate that without hearing the details of the gossip. I deal with enough of my feelings flaring up without getting them triggered.  Now, wait a minute. David, you are writing about this. Clearly you registered the gossip about you on an emotional level and it has stuck with you enough to inspire this post. Let’s go with a solid not exactly. I can revise my opinion of som

The Conversation is the Relationship

For the last several years I have kept myself on a path of personal growth and development. Sometimes I pick out things I want to work on. More often the universe puts things in front of me that I need to work on. Guess which of these I get more out of.  I am a person who appreciates peace and quiet. I enjoy solitude. I am comfortable sitting quietly and working on things that interest me. It isn't that I do not enjoy people. Quite the opposite I enjoy the company of people. I struggle with a few things about keeping company. I don't like trivial things like gossip, complaints, and idle chit-chat. When met with these things I often grow quiet. I have learned through experience when a person rattles long enough at me without me giving any verbal or nonverbal encouragement that they will eventually talk themselves out. I resist the urge to say," Do you feel good about that exchange?" When someone is going on and on pointlessly I find it awkward and uncomfortable. I enjo